To keep the customers happy is the main and primary goal of any restaurant. The target goals in terms of profit are directly proportional to the happiness of the customers. If you are unable to please your customers, you fail to retain them back and you tend to loose your potential customers. You need to have certain techniques through which you can make your guests happy and can leave an everlasting impression on them.
We have scoped certain techniques which will help you to make your customers happy. Hopefully they’ll help you in slicing the profit margins.
Never set a false expectation to the customers in terms of particular dish, from an event or from an offer or discount conferred by your restaurant. Never give false promises to the customers as it will lead to give rise to their expectations and when you’ll not be able to meet it will dishearten the customers and you obviously don’t want that.
Train your staff well; especially the waiters and the servers since they are the ones who get in contact with the customers directly. Hence, training them well will be the first step towards helping yourself making your customers happy. The important things to be kept in mind while training them include:
They should be neatly dressed.
Let your staff know that the customers need privacy.
Ability to handle disgruntled customers.
They should not be pushy on one particular thing.
Be upfront with the customers.

Consistency is must for the customers to be happy anytime they visit your restaurant. Food is the primary reason for which the customers come to the restaurant and if the food is good when they visit the first time and then its quality is degraded when they visit the second time, this will discourage them from coming to your restaurant again.
Taking feedback and their reviews about the restaurant should be must and it should not be a mere formality; one should take the feedback of the customers seriously. You must give respect to all the reviews on social media as well. Acknowledge the appreciations and apologize for the criticisms. This will make your customers make needed and worthy.

At Estandardz, we keep the above tips in mind to make leave an everlasting impression on the customers and to make them happy so that they visit again. We try to keep our customers happy as the customer’s service spreads like wildfire and if it is positive then the ball is in our court. It is to the utmost priority of our experts. You can contact us on